fruits to boost immune system
These are loaded with vitamin C and has more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Eating healthy antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables whole grains and lean protein is an important part of maintaining good immune system health to help ward off infection and illness. 8 Immune System Boosting Foods Dg Speaks Bulletproofcoffeeweightloss In 2021 Immune Boosting Foods Boost Immune System Healthy Food Choices So here is my top 10 fruits and vegetables to supercharge your immune system 1 Citrus Citrus such as oranges mandarins grapefruit lemons and limes are an excellent source of vitamin C which helps maintain the bodys defence against bacterial infections. . Apple Carrot and Orange. Here are the top 10 fruits and vegetables that help build your immune system. Given that obesity type 2 diabetes and heart disease can all weaken your immune system limiting added sugars is an important part of an immune-boosting diet 18 21 22. Boost your immun...